Wednesday, March 23, 2011

daughters of the american revolution (?)


God love my sweet father. Seriously. My dad's the best...for numerous reasons, but I'm only going to highlight one today.

My dad recently joined Who knew what a treasure he'd uncover!!! It's been so fascinating learning about my family. I mean, you can't know where you're going until you know where you've been...and I LOVE learning about my family's history.

Things I've learned so far (keep in mind...Dad has only traced his side of the family. He hasn't even started on my Mom's yet. So hopefully, there will be more surprises in store!):
  • Dad traced us back to 1030 in England. WHAT???? That means, we were around during the Crusades.
  • Because of this (and additional research Dad has done), we are deducting that we were some sort of nobility during our life in England. Why do we think this? Because we have traceable lineage. Peasants wouldn't have and didn't trace their families. And two, we have ancestors who are (blank) of (somewhere) (i.e. Elizabeth of Berkshire). We're nobles! (do you think this could get me an invite to the Royal Wedding next month??!?!)
  • My parents met in the Army. My Granddaddy was a WWII vet. My Poppie served in the Navy in the Korean War. We are a military ancestors too!
  • My dad found service records from the War of 1812 and the Revolutionary War. In fact, one of my ancestors was a Colonel in the Revolutionary War and was given 6,000 acres of land in Virginia as a reward (we are also deducting that we were probably slave owners because of this fact.).
  • My Poppie's great-grandpa was in the last gun duel ever in Tennessee....and lost. Again, not a proud moment...but it's history.
  • I'm related to Jesse James, Dolly Madison and Thomas Jefferson (but who's not related to Thomas Jefferson).
  • We came to America in the 1600's. I love this fact because I love the fact that my family were settlers. Very early settlers. We originated in Virginia and North Carolina.
  • We also know that there were ship captains/owners in our family from England. I'm wondering if that's how we got to America...on one of our own ships.

    I cannot wait to find out what Dad learns about my Mom's side of the family! It's so exciting to know where we've come from.

    And because of my ancestors who served and fought in the Revolutionary War, I am looking into joining the Daughters of the American Revolution! How exciting is that!!!!