Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Purdue vs. IU


hail hail to old Purdue! all hail to our gold and black!
hail hail to old Purdue! our friendship may she never lack!
ever grateful, ever true as we raise our song anew (Fire UP!)

all the days we spend with you, all hail our old Purdue!!

Ahh, I love my alma mater! I love everything about Purdue and I love all of the memories and friends I met during my 4 years there. Actually, both of us Hicks Girls and Big Sister Burg's hubby graduated from good ole Purdue! We are Boilermakers tried and true and love the gold and black!!

One of my most favorite things about fall is Purdue football games. If you've never experience a Big Ten football game....you're missing out. Add it to your bucket list. PRONTO!

Anywho, I decided I need some warm flair for all these fall football games I plan on going to this year. Woot. Woot. Here ya go!!! It's the suPURDUEper hat!!!

And (because I don't discriminate)....I had to make something for all the IU fans out there.
(even though IU barely has a football team. geez).

I also had to make some earwarmers! I can't wait for football games this fall so I can sport these around campus!

All of these items are available on our Etsy Site!

1 comment

boyd2 said...

I lovey lovey love love the IU earwarmers! (But I'd wear them anytime...perhaps with my red Burberry trench.)